Define a set of universal rules for Astray
Astray is complex and must follow some rulessarily These are being defined (WIP) at (./
Implement Iterator for TokenIterator
- Allows usage of iterator methods
- replaces
fn consume(&mut self)
withfn next(&mut self)
, which is more intuitive in Rust land - Prevents iterator from going backwards, of course. So it would not work on sum types.
Functional macro for enum optimization
When an enum implements Parsable
Given a TokenIterator
over [Token:Plus, TokenLiteralString("something")]
, Astray tries to parse a Plus (for a Struct1), succeeds and tries to parse a LiteralInt(_), fails, tries to parse a Plus again (for Struct2) and then a LiteralString (succeeds).
Plus has been tried twice unnecessarilly.
The goal is to optimize this. I already have an idea for execution, which I will expose later as soon as I can.
Parsing visualization for the command line (bonus points if also works in the browser)
An animation of how parsing is happening in "real" time, showing how the parser works.
Documenting all functions in the code
Although they are (hopefully) rather self explanatory, great Rusty documentation is missing from each function. I hope to add it in the future.
Updating nomenclature
Consumable types -> Parsable types Partially in docs, WIP in the code.
Generic Errors instead of ParseError
Turning ParseError into a trait allows users to specify what Error type their parsing functions to produce.
Implement FromIterator for TokenIterator
Makes it easier to create a TokenIterator, rather.
Update parse_if_match function
Parsers should be generic not only on type's they take, but also on their arity! I'm investigating possible solutions for this
Add more advanced validation functions
Perhaps renaming parse_if_match
to parse_if_valid
Remove UnexpectedToken ParseErrorType variant
Since Tokens are to be treated as parsable types, under the specifc restrictions that Token: Parsable